Another Reason To Support Apple

Monday, October 16, 2006

Apple has shown once again why it has to be one the coolest brands in town. Not only does it create fantastic products known for their quality and innovation, but it is also a company which is proving to help people who need it. A great example for other massive corporations indeed.

Apple will donate $10 to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa with every purchase of the new Special Edition Nano, which comes in a symbolic red colour.

Forty's Site Of The Week

Friday, October 13, 2006

Great colour scheme matched with excellent typography with added technical know-how not to mention fantastic design make Gazmetro's Live The Blue this week's site of the week.

A Little Too Sensitive Perhaps?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Religion could very well be the root of everything thats wrong with world today. Now before you all label me all sorts of terrible things, I'm talking about when it is taken too literally. Religion in essence can be a good thing as it can help people get through painful, difficult times. But when people become over sensitive about it, and use it as a means of casuing harm, suffering and censorship among other things, I think most tolerant people will agree it has gone too far.

The question then is when does it go too far exactly? Let it be noted that I am not speaking about one particular religion right now, but all of them in general terms.

While reading daily news/site browsing this morning I came across an article about the new Apple store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. A very stylish building shaped like a cube.

Now the problem some in the Muslim community have with it is that it "Constitutes a blatant insult to Islam", according to a survey by a Middle East research organization.

What are the reasons you might ask? Well, the building resembles the Ka'ba in Mecca and is open 24 hours a day, much like the Ka'ba. Now if this article is true, its beyond words. What will be the next target of over-sensitive religious types, the rubix cube? Read the article.

If you think it is only parts of the Muslim community who are unreasonable, I assure you Christians are no different. Click here to view the trailor for a new documentary titled Jesus Camp. This is about, you guessed it, a camp where Jesus is the main focus for little kids.

I think the best thing would be moderation from each all sides, but what do I know?

And The Award Goes To...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Leica's annual Leica Oskar Barnack Prize for 2006 was won by Chilean photographer Tomas Munita this year. I can see why. His pictures completely blew me away, my favourite has to be the one of the hand holding three bullets.

I was quite happy to see fellow South African Guy Tillim won the award for 2005 with his stunning Johannesburg Story.

The Musical Connie

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Have you and your lover ever wanted to make sweet music together? Now is your chance. A Ukranian scientist by the name of Grigoriy Chausovsky has created the first musical condom.

The tune is determined by the position the couple chooses. It is designed to play louder and faster the closer lovers get to climax. They come fitted with a special sensor that registers when the condom is put on which transmits a signal to a miniature speaker in the base of the condom which plays the melody.

Luckily the creative Dr Chausovskiy said: "There is no danger of being electrocuted."

Rodrigo & Gabriela

Monday, October 02, 2006

This video is fantastic. Definitely some of the best classical guitar I have ever seen. What really got me excited watching this was the way the beat and everything was handled by just two guitars. The speed at which they play is also something to behold. Im a big fan!

The Most Beautiful

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I was reading Chumpstyle this morning and found the most incredible link there. Thanks for that one!